Sunday 27 April 2014

Butterfly Panels

As written on 27/ 4/2014

 Dearest Ruby,
        Yesterday was to be a relaxing day with no particular intentions. Grandad thought he'd like to take me for a drive and out for coffee in Hythe. From there we went to explore the area around Deal where we came upon a garden shop. There was I Ruby, just one second, to admire a Butterfly panel before my eyes, much to Grandad's dismay. He patiently waited out on the pavement. We'd be back at the car in no time. Oh but Ruby, I found myself in conversation with the owner who was quite prepared to reduce the price down considerably if I was interested in buying the panel. Perfect for screening in your lovely garden thought I but happily resisted his offer saying that No, you see I would have needed three. At which he responded by reducing the panels further, to half their original price! How could we refuse now Ruby, I was in a spot because how did that happen. I never have courage to barter. Well, needless to say, we found ourselves on our way home with our three Butterfly panels in the boot of the car, and then had to buy some little plants to go in the hanging pots. Grandad and I chose these together, miniature violets, cream and yellow with a tinge of purple.

Grandad loves these as much as I do Ruby. The violets are an ideal height for you to water with your very own red watering can. Do you like it?

        When we bought the violets, we bought a few other bedding plants as well, Marigolds and Antirrhinums. So, I've tried to get these planted as soon as possible.

Love and hugs, Nana x

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