Wednesday 14 May 2014


As written on 10/5/2014

Dearest Ruby,

         I think this weekend is going to be 'The Weekend of the Daisy' ! I have planned a trip to the garden centre.
        Grandad and I had been on a drive out into the countryside as we love to do, and I saw numerous daisies growing in the grass verges. Since, I have seen them invading every expanse of grass left unmown. Did you know the meaning associated with the daisy is purity and innocence?
        I remember as a child, the pleasure of summer days making daisy chains to adorn our hair, or bracelets and necklaces and enjoying the prettiness of wearing them. All girls together lazily dreaming on the front lawn, we would pick our daisies and pluck from its yellow centre each white petal tinged with pink, saying 'He loves me, he loves me not', to see what the last remaining petal would declare !

       So, dear Ruby, today we have been on a mission to find white daisies, maybe not quite the same as the ones that grow wild but the garden will so love the joy of those upturned faces of each flower as it appears, quickly followed by another and another. We found come Marguerites but the scent wasn't very appealing. Then we were drawn to these,

They came in a variety of colours.


        Would you like to hear a story about Mummy Ruby?  When she was small, I decided to give her and her big sister a summer party to celebrate all the wonderful friendships we had gathered whilst living in Galleywood where we had a lovely long garden. So this was a day that we could share. We made many preparations with the theme of Daisies, making decorations, hats and party bags, and invited everyone round. The sun shone and we had a great time with games and races of every kind. Races with push-along toys, pull-along toys (ducks and caterpillars), bikes and tricycles.

Auntie Rachel had a white fluffy poodle called Snowy.
    There was ring-a-ring-of-roses and a 3-legged race when everyone did fall down, and not forgetting an egg-and-spoon race for the Mums, and one Dad, who had been cheering from the side-lines. I don't remember who won any of the races but there were lots of prizes all round and many happy smiley faces. Then, cake, jelly and ice-cream to finish an exhausting but amazing day.

        Love and hugs, Nana x


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